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My Story


Midlife can be hard enough right?

As we reach 50, the things we have to deal with shapeshift slightly and can be some of the biggest things that have ever happened in our life.

Such as, losing or caring for sick parents, divorce maybe, we can become empty nesters as our growing children spread their wings; physical and emotional changes from a growing waistline, weight gain and post menopause symptoms.

There are a lot of adjustments and it can feel overwhelming at times. Every women will experience differnt things in life and for some it is relatively easy but highly challenging for many women also.


At 45  I had a lot on my plate in life. 

​I was dealing with the heartbreak of trying to help a mentally ill child who had been out of treatment facilities most of her young life. We lost my mother and both of my husband's parents within a ten-month period and I had a preventative mastectomy at the same time. I always felt that as soon as my plate was full, then something else was heaped on. Everyone would say 'how do you cope?' or 'You're amazing".......but I wasn't.

By the time I reached 50 I felt worn out and a totally different person.

Menopause had hit and I felt tired, exhausted, overweight and a shadow of my former happy, energetic self. I had totally lost the motivation for life, for exercise, for socialising.  In my 40s I had competed in triathlon and Ironman competitions  and I was at the peak of my health and fitness but now I was just unrecognisable.

I  wasn't looking after myself and I was drinking too much, emotional eating and had gained 40 lbs in weight. My days were spent drinking energy drinks to counteract my lack of sleep and even smoking.  I didn't recognise the person that looked back at me in the mirror. I had gained 40lbs of sadness and misery. None of my clothes fitted me. I hated photographs of myself, my anxiety was sky high and I felt depressed and sad behind my smile. All the things I learned through my health training were thrown out of the window.


Then I was hit by a thunderbolt.

My husband of 30 years was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and my world, my hopes, my dreams, everything just fell apart.

​I just didn't know how to cope.

I felt I was sinking.


​At that precise moment I knew I had to change - If I was to support myself, my children and my husband through this then I had to do something different however hard it may seem in this huge moment of adversity.


I realised that I was pretty broken my approach had to be a different one.


So I set myself a plan, I wanted a good foundation of health so I completely changed my nutrition to a mainly plant-based diet with some occasional fish. I gave up alcohol in its entirety and decided I wanted to be present in every moment of this life.

I walked, lifted weights and read hundreds of books, researched, studied, listened and learned.

I only kept healthy connections and friends in my life, letting go of ones that felt toxic and negative. I began to lean into life with an acceptance that I didn't have before - now knowing that the universe had a plan for me and my family. 

The transformation comes from many elements. Like the pieces of a pie. After my husband had his cancer surgery, my awakening came from a decision to live with gratitude every day for what I had...... to capture joy in the small things like still having my husband's hand to hold, a cup of coffee in my garden or feeling the sun on my face......however cheesy that may sound! I promise you this practice brings abundance.

My husband is a survivor from an aggressive cancer that we thought may end his life. We feel the luckiest family ever and we don't forget that for one minute.

My life changed exponentially and I began to see life through a completely new lens.

I only wish I had seen it sooner.

Life in itself is amazing and every day we age is a privilege as some do not get to see that age.

Aging is beautiful. The lines show we have laughed, loved and cried.

You can feel vibrant, amazing, attractive, energetic, I promise you!!

You just need the guidance - mind, body and soul.


Today I am 40lb lighter, I totally wear what I want a feel vibrant, reinvented, grateful, joyful adn full of purpose and direction.


 I am thriving through my 50s and I am excited for the future. It's a time for huge potential and possibility. It's not a crisis - it's CAN BE an awakening. I want to help you feel the same!


My family of 5 are all well and moving forward in life which is the best thing ever!!  

Let's do this together!!




I am a Certified Holistic Health Coach,  a Certified Menopause Specialist, and  Certified Trauma and Resilience Level 1



My hobbies are spending time with my 3 children, 3 cats and my dog. We love travelling, just being together and being in the outdoors. I am also an abstract artist and visual stylistand have exhibited my work in Dallas and Houston and appeared in three coffee table books. Art is my creative outlet and I love to be outside with my camera or painting in my studio.

















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